Minutes for Spring Meeting

Sunday March 17,  2013

Meeting held at American Legion,  LeRoy, NY

§         Meeting called to order at 10:02 AM

§         Minutes from winter meeting 2/3/13 moved to accept, T Burch (1st) ,J Congelli (2nd)  carried.

§         Executive Committee report – no new things came up from last meeting

§         Any Document anyone might need are on GVUA Website under Chapter News,

Meeting Information or Umpire Links…Just go to a make copy.

Committee Report

·        Rodnoy Lund (banquet) Everything is a go for Monday July 29, 2013 at Dwyer Stadium.  An Email will b e sent to all members as date draws closer.  Everyone must respond Yes or No whether they are planning to attend. If anyone responds yes and then does not show up – there will be a charge for that person.

Fund Raiser

·        Brian will be doing the drawing as the test is being given.  Then winners will be announced and money distributed.

·        Ryan is having a problem with his computer (hard Drive) – so as result even though some assignment have been  completed they will not be on line until problem is rectified.

·        Cage Work at Cal-Mum for Tuesday 3/19 will be at 6:30

Nominating Committee

·        Terri Burch –no report since no one expressed interest.  Terri Burch cast a single ballot for the existing slate of officers and vote approved.

·        If anyone has any changes to the roster information contact Dave Leight by Wednesday 3/20/13 and those changes will be updated.

·        In order to get evaluations procedure started and rolling Ryan Raftery will not be taking any High School games this spring.

·        10: 30 AM - Test was distributed & membership began working one even #questions.

·        At  11:23 AM Ryan began to address trouble questions and also answer questions.

At  11:45 AM test was collected  and meeting was adjourned.